Here you can find and read articles related to the subjects (games, playful learning, early school leaving ) of our Erasmus project.

1. Chrysanthi Skoumpourdi,  Playing Board Games Inside and Outside the Classroom

2. Chrysanthi Skoumpourdi , Democratic game play: is it a matter of rules?

3. Chrysanthi Skoumpourdi, Factors in creating a democratic game play.

4. European Commission, Schools policy, A whole school approach to tackling early school leaving 

5. Pirkko T. Hyvonen, (2011) , Play in the School Context? The Perspectives of Finnish Teachers 

7. Angeline S. Lillard , Playful Learning and Montessori Education 

8. Sara Mostowfi, Nasser Koleini Mamaghani & Mehdi Khorramar (2016),  Designing Playful Learning by Using Educational Board Game for Children In The Age Range of 7-12: (A Case Study: Recycling and Waste Separation Education Board Game)

9. Deborah Kirkland Griffith College Dublin d & Fiona O'Riordan Griffith, Games as an Engaging Teaching and Learning Technique: Learning or playing? 

10. Susan Boyle (2011)An Introduction to Games based learning

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