8th-12th April ,2019 CEIP Virgen del Remedio
For Fourth Learning Teaching and Training Activity, all partners met in L'Alguenya -Spain

Sunday ,7th April
For our fourth Learning,Teaching and Training Activity of the project, all partners were guests at C.E.I.P Virgen del Remedio Primary school in L'Alguenya .It is located about 50 km from the cities of Alicante,Murcia,in the south -west of the Alicante province..

Monday,8th April
All groups were warmly welcomed by the
school administration and teachers. After that visitors were led through the
school and visited classes. The international group was invited to the town
hall. the Mayor Mrs Mª
Carmen Jover
welcomed us all with a hearty speech and introduced
the town of L'Alguenya and its main attractions and source of incomes, Monte
Coto marble quarry (biggest open-air quarry in the world) and the winery (
Bodega Cooperativa de Algueña) .Later on, all group visited to the winery.
They enjoyed a stroll through the different stages of the production process of wines, from the vine to the glass.After lunch the group had attended the Lego
serious play session organized by by levanting enterprise.The participants
had the opportunity
explore the multiple uses Lego pieces can provide to the teaching-learning
process so as to promote creativity, self-esteem, etc

Tuesday ,9th April
On Tuesday , the whole group was informed about Gamification in the classroom and Apps in the learning process by Mr Daniel Martinez. After that they visited classes and made lesson observation;ABN method in Maths,"escaperoom"activity,gymkhana in the Spanish lesson ,Erasmus Kahoot ,Pupils played chess against the French and Hungarian teachers
The host school showed games which can encourage children to
learn through having fun. All of us will certainly use some of their ideals in
our schools.After lunch ,groups visited the wine and
marble museum in Pinoso by Levantina Inc.They explored the region's history of marble production as well as the
historical development of wine culture in Spain and more specifically in
The participants were together
painting a huge bird picture on the school garden wall The painted bird' feather has partner
countries' flags.

Wednesday ,10th April
On Wednesday morning they left the hotel early in the morning to visit MARQ which is an archaeology museum which is dedicated to displaying its collection in a traditional way; as a collection of classified and catalogued finds. MARQ is a project faced with the challenge of being the first archaeological museum of the 21st century.After walking around the old town in Alicante, partners and hosts walked through Santa Barbara Castle where they enjoyed a guided tour. They learned a lot about the ancient history of Alicante.

Thursday,11th April
The participants visited the famous ethnological museum which is dedicated to display wine making tools,and partner divided into groups to play cooperative game there .And then they paid visit to UNISE shoe factory in Chinorlet and they observed and informed all production processes under the guidance of an expert.After that groups were discussed and introduced on cooperative work and task based learning .use of rubrics in the evaluation process by Mr Francisco Gonzalvez.On lunch groups tasted Paella prepared by parents

On Friday morning, groups was informed on flipped classroom .how to use and how to apply in our school systems.Later on the school garden,Some teachers played traditional instruments such tabalet and dolçaina to play traditional music and some pupils and dancers from La Rondalla Coros y Danzas de L'Alguenya danced at the same time.The groups had great time with amazing show with traditional dances and songs. At the coordination meeting, partners informed and talked on the last transnational meeting will be held in Hungary.Later on certificates of attendance were given to the participants in this mobility by the school headmistress Mrs Olga Martínez Verdú At the Lunch, the whole school community invited their guests to a Farewell .They enjoyed the traditional dishes.

All teams left Alguenya with many, many new impressions and food for thought. Many thanks to Elena and companions in particular for organizing these great days but also to everybody else who helped to make this a success. We won't forget these days.